Film Music
A few samples
From Yvan Lemoine's "Rosenn"
Lucha Libre
Trailer from "Lucha Libre" by Ann Sirot & Raphaël Balboni
From Antoine Cuypers's "A New Old Story"
From Yvan Lemoine's "Rosenn"
Earring Bolero
From Antoine Cuypers's "A New Old Story"
From Nicolas Rumpl's "Graff" films
Manufacture Hautes Complications
Dir. Nicolas Rumpl
Cinematography Demo Reel
Nora Guicheney
Music for Circus, Dance and Theatre Performances
These tunes are few samples from soundtracks which were composed and recorded between 2005 and 2022 for the circus/dance/theatre companies/choreographers/directors Rital Brocante, Scuola di Circo FLIC, ESAC de Bruxelles, Les SlovaKs Dance Collective, Rodrigo Pardo, Magda Clan, Judith Sanchez Ruiz Company, Anton Lachky company, Milan Tomasik, Joost Vroenaerts, Petr Forman...
Strings Arrangements
Recorded in 2010 for the band Applause.

Music by Ivan Tirtiaux, lyrics by Louis Aragon.
Recorded in 2013 for Ivan Tirtiaux by Quatuor Mp4.